[APE POKER NFT 민팅 일정 및 혜택 안내]. 안녕하세요. 인피니티마켓에서 알려드립니다. APE POKER 오픈베타 서비스 전 진행될 APE POKER NFT 민팅에 관해 안내드립니다. 민팅 일정.

02 Jun 2023, 06:04
[APE POKER NFT 민팅 일정 혜택 안내] 안녕하세요. 인피니티마켓에서 알려드립니다. APE POKER 오픈베타 서비스 진행될 APE POKER NFT 민팅에 관해 안내드립니다. 1. 민팅 일정 - 얼리버드 세일(10% 할인) : 2023년 6월 7일 14:00 (UTC+9) ~ 2023년 6월 7일 23:59 (UTC+9) - 퍼블릭 세일 : 2023년 6월 8일 14:00 (UTC+9) ~ TBA 2. 민팅 수량 - 얼리버드 세일(10% 할인) : 랜덤 등급(1,000개) / VVIP 확정 등급(100개) - 퍼블릭 세일 : 랜덤 등급(상시판매) / VVIP 확정 등급(895개) *트랜젝션 5개 / 지갑당 제한 없음 3. 민팅 가격 - 얼리버드 세일(10% 할인) : 랜덤 등급(90$) / VVIP 확정 등급(900$) - 퍼블릭 세일 : 랜덤 등급(100$) / VVIP 확정 등급(1000$) 4. 민팅 재화 - ETH / RUSH / IMCASH *ETH/RUSH의 경우 민팅 당일에 전날 종가를 기준으로 구매에 필요한 수량이 결정됩니다. 5. 민팅 참여 가능 지갑 - Rush Wallet / MetaMask *Rush Wallet으로 민팅에 참여하시는 경우 가스비가 지원되며 MetaMask로 민팅에 참여하실 경우 가스비는 본인 부담입니다. 6. 민팅 사이트 - NFT Mania Launchpad ( ) 7. APE POKER NFT 등급 - PLAYER / BUSINESS / VIP / VVIP *등급이 높을 수록 APE POKER에서 더욱 많은 혜택을 받으실 있습니다. 8. APE POKER NFT 혜택 - 혜택1. 다량의 APE CHIP 지급 : APE POKER NFT구매 최초 1회에 한하여 등급별 다량의 APE CHIP을 지급해 드립니다. APE CHIP은 APE POKER 인게임에서 게임플레이시 사용되는 재화입니다. ( PLAYER: 10,000 CHIP / BUSINESS: 20,000 CHIP / VIP: 30,000 CHIP / VVIP: 40,000 CHIP ) - 혜택2. APE POKER NFT Mining : APE POKER NFT 등급 별로 일정량의 APE CHIP을 365일 동안 매일 획득하실 있습니다. ( PLAYER: 매일 333 CHIP / BUSINESS: 매일 667 CHIP / VIP: 매일 1,000 CHIP / VVIP: 매일 1,333 CHIP ) - 혜택3. 매일 스핀 무료 이용 : APE POKER NFT보유 등급 특정 횟수만큼 매일 스핀을 무료로 참여하실 있습니다. ( PLAYER: 매일 1회 / BUSINESS: 매일 2회 / VIP: 매일 3회 / VVIP: 매일 5회 ) - 혜택4. 인게임 입장 전용 로고 이펙트 부여 : VIP와 VVIP 등급의 APE POKER NFT를 보유한 홀더는 인게임 방에 입장 특별한 이펙트가 부여되는 로고를 사용하실 있습니다. 9. 파트너사 NFT 홀더 대상 추가 혜택 - 인피니티 스페이스 NFT 홀더 대상 APE POKER NFT 무료 에어드랍 예정 - BAYC, ITSC, DoD, 로보트태권V, SE7EN, Dmong, PIXEL GROUND, APE SQUAD NFT 홀더 대상 10,000 APE CHIP 지급 예정 *본 혜택에 대한 자세한 에어드랍 지급 일정은 추후 공지를 통해 안내드리겠습니다. 10. 유의 사항 - Rush Wallet으로 민팅에 참여하실 예비 홀더분들은 NFT Mania 중앙 지갑에 재화를 반드시 충전 민팅에 참여해 주시기 바랍니다. - MetaMask로 민팅에 참여할 경우, NFT Mania 중앙 지갑에 재화를 충전하는 과정 없이 민팅을 진행하시면 됩니다. - 인피니티마켓 공지를 통해 안내된 링크만 이용부탁드리며, 본인의 부주의로 인한 피해에 대해서는 책임지지 않습니다. - 디지털 자산의 세금 처리는 불확실하며 구매자가 속한 국가 등의 세금 관련 법을 준수해야 합니다. 해당 세금에 대한 모든 권한과 책임은 구매자에게 있습니다. - 인피니티마켓 운영 정책에 위반되는 행위 어뷰징, 불법 프로그램 사용 제재 대상이 있습니다. - 내용은 프로젝트의 사정에 따라 변경될 있습니다. 금번 진행될 APE POKER 오픈베타 NFT민팅에 많은 관심 부탁드리며 앞으로도 최선을 다하는 인피니티마켓이 되겠습니다. 감사합니다.

Same news in other sources

02 Jun 2023, 06:04
[APE POKER NFT Minting Schedule and Benefits] Hello. INFINITYMARKET is informing you. We would like to inform you about the APE POKER NFT minting that will be carried out before the APE POKER open beta service. 1. Minting schedule - Early Bird Sale (10% off): June 7, 2023 14:00 (UTC+9) to June 7, 2023 23:59 (UTC+9) - Public Sale: June 8, 2023 14:00 (UTC+9) to TBA 2. Minting quantity - Early Bird Sale (10% off): Random Grade (1,000) / VVIP Confirmed Grade (100) - Public Sale: Random Grade (Always Sold) / VVIP Confirmed Grade (895) * 5 per transaction / No limit per wallet 3. Minting Price - Early Bird Sale (10% off): Random Grade (90$) / VVIP Confirmed Grade (900$) - Public Sale: Random Grade ($100) / VVIP Confirmed Grade ($1000) 4. Minting goods - ETH / RUSH / IMCASH * For ETH/RUSH, the quantity required for purchase will be determined based on the previous day's closing price on the day of minting. 5. Minting Participation Wallet - Rush Wallet / MetaMask *If you participate in minting with Rush Wallet, gas fee will be supported. If you participate in minting with MetaMask, gas fee will be borne by you. 6. Minting site - NFT Mania Launchpad ( ) 7. APE POKER NFT Grade - PLAYER / BUSINESS / VIP / VVIP *The higher the grade, the more you can benefit from APE POKER. 8. APE POKER NFT BENEFITS - Benefit 1. Large amount of APE CHIP payment : When purchasing APE POKER NFT, we will give you a large amount of APE CHIP for each grade only once. APE CHIP is a commodity used for gameplay in APE POKER in games. ( PLAYER: 10,000 CHIP / BUSINESS: 20,000 CHIP / VIP: 30,000 CHIP / VVIP: 40,000 CHIP ) - Benefit 2. APE POKER NFT Mining : You can earn a certain amount of APE CHIP per APE POKER NFT rating every day for 365 days. (PLAYER: 333 CHIP every day / BUSINESS: 667 CHIP every day / VIP: 1,000 CHIP every day / VVIP: 1,333 CHIP every day) - Benefit 3. Free use of spin every day : If you have an APE POKER NFT, you can participate in the spin for free every day for a certain number of times per grade. (PLAYER: Once a day / BUSINESS: Twice a day / VIP: Three times a day / VVIP: Five times a day) - Benefit 4. In-game entry with exclusive logo effect : Holders with VIP and VVIP grade APE POKER NFTs can use a logo with special effects when entering the in-game room. 9. Additional benefits for partner NFT holders - APE POKER NFT Free Airdrop for INFINITY SPACE NFT Holder (Planning) - BAYC, ITSC, DoD, RobotTaekwonV, SE7EN, Dmong, PIXEL GROUND, APE SQUAD NFT Holder can take free 10,000 APE CHIP (Planning) *Detailed airdrops and payment schedules for this benefit will be notified in a later notice. 10. Precautions - For prospective holders who will participate in minting with Rush Wallet, please make sure to charge the goods in the NFT Mania central wallet and participate in minting. - If you participate in minting with MetaMask, you can proceed with minting without charging goods to the NFT Mania central wallet. - Please use only the link guided through the INFINITYMARKET notice, and we are not responsible for any damage caused by your carelessness. - The tax treatment of digital assets is uncertain and must comply with tax laws in the country to which the buyer belongs. All rights and responsibilities for these taxes are with the Buyer. - Violation of INFINITYMAREKT operation policies, advertising, and illegal use of programs can be subject to sanctions. - This content is subject to change depending on the circumstances of the project. Please pay a lot of attention to the APE POKER open beta and NFT minting We will continue to do our best in the Infinity Market. Thank you.
[APE POKER NFT Minting Schedule and Benefits]. Hello. INFINITYMARKET is informing you.
[APE POKER NFT Minting Schedule and Benefits] Hello. INFINITYMARKET is informing you. We would like to inform you about the APE POKER NFT minting that will be carried out before the APE POKER open beta service. 1. Minting schedule - Early Bird Sale (10% off): June 7, 2023 14:00 (UTC+9) to June 7, 2023 23:59 (UTC+9) - Public Sale: June 8, 2023 14:00 (UTC+9) to TBA 2. Minting quantity - Early Bird Sale (10% off): Random Grade (1,000) / VVIP Confirmed Grade (100) - Public Sale: Random Grade (Always Sold) / VVIP Confirmed Grade (895) * 5 per transaction / No limit per wallet 3. Minting Price - Early Bird Sale (10% off): Random Grade (90$) / VVIP Confirmed Grade (900$) - Public Sale: Random Grade ($100) / VVIP Confirmed Grade ($1000) 4. Minting goods - ETH / RUSH / IMCASH * For ETH/RUSH, the quantity required for purchase will be determined based on the previous day's closing price on the day of minting. 5. Minting Participation Wallet - Rush Wallet / MetaMask *If you participate in minting with Rush Wallet, gas fee will be supported. If you participate in minting with MetaMask, gas fee will be borne by you. 6. Minting site - NFT Mania Launchpad ( https://nftmania.io/pfp/list ) 7. APE POKER NFT Grade - PLAYER / BUSINESS / VIP / VVIP *The higher the grade, the more you can benefit from APE POKER. 8. APE POKER NFT BENEFITS - Benefit 1. Large amount of APE CHIP payment : When purchasing APE POKER NFT, we will give you a large amount of APE CHIP for each grade only once. APE CHIP is a commodity used for gameplay in APE POKER in games. ( PLAYER: 10,000 CHIP / BUSINESS: 20,000 CHIP / VIP: 30,000 CHIP / VVIP: 40,000 CHIP ) - Benefit 2. APE POKER NFT Mining : You can earn a certain amount of APE CHIP per APE POKER NFT rating every day for 365 days. (PLAYER: 333 CHIP every day / BUSINESS: 667 CHIP every day / VIP: 1,000 CHIP every day / VVIP: 1,333 CHIP every day) - Benefit 3. Free use of spin every day : If you have an APE POKER NFT, you can participate in the spin for free every day for a certain number of times per grade. (PLAYER: Once a day / BUSINESS: Twice a day / VIP: Three times a day / VVIP: Five times a day) - Benefit 4. In-game entry with exclusive logo effect : Holders with VIP and VVIP grade APE POKER NFTs can use a logo with special effects when entering the in-game room. 9. Additional benefits for partner NFT holders - APE POKER NFT Free Airdrop for INFINITY SPACE NFT Holder (Planning) - BAYC, ITSC, DoD, RobotTaekwonV, SE7EN, Dmong, PIXEL GROUND, APE SQUAD NFT Holder can take free 10,000 APE CHIP (Planning) *Detailed airdrops and payment schedules for this benefit will be notified in a later notice. 10. Precautions - For prospective holders who will participate in minting with Rush Wallet, please make sure to charge the goods in the NFT Mania central wallet and participate in minting. - If you participate in minting with MetaMask, you can proceed with minting without charging goods to the NFT Mania central wallet. - Please use only the link guided through the INFINITYMARKET notice, and we are not responsible for any damage caused by your carelessness. - The tax treatment of digital assets is uncertain and must comply with tax laws in the country to which the buyer belongs. All rights and responsibilities for these taxes are with the Buyer. - Violation of INFINITYMAREKT operation policies, advertising, and illegal use of programs can be subject to sanctions. - This content is subject to change depending on the circumstances of the project. Please pay a lot of attention to the APE POKER open beta and NFT minting We will continue to do our best in the Infinity Market. Thank you.